Birds of paradise
I AM PREPARING the cabin for takeoff. Inside the lavatories are cages filled with small, brightly colored parrots. We have received special dispensation from the Federal Aviation Administration in the States to stow these birdcages in the aircraft lavs for takeoff and landing.

It is haj season, the annual pilgrimage to Mecca every Muslim must make at least once during their lifetime. Even though we are flying between Africa and Saudi Arabia, we are still an American carrier, bound by the laws and regulations of the FAA. My passengers are bringing these birds to Saudi Arabia to sell, the profits financing their pilgrimage.
The ladies also bring big brass teapots onboard, bright, shiny, obviously new. These will be sold in Saudi as well. “Don’t they have teapots in Saudi Arabia?” I ask. The ladies laugh.

They balance the teapots on their heads, hips swaying, as they get off the plane.